Free-to-play money
We know users want to store value in non-sovereign financial networks.(BTC, DOGE, SHIB, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum Classic, Wif, Bonk, Notcoin)The way most people view this is through a lens of financial nihlism, which says users are so hopeless that they view degenerate gambling as their only path to prosperity.A more accurate view says controlling money is powerful. Whoever controls money gets to make money, which means they can inflate their own balance sheet; they can manipulate markets; they can borrow against reserves. Users don't want money to be ejected from a bloated, concealed org structure. They want it to come from networks that they created and they can participate in, because this gives them power.The current constraint on non-sovereign financial networks is their use of payments for sybil resistance. Right now, token networks evolve only through dollar flows, where more dollars = more control.This gives you two problems:
- Cold start problem: If a network has speculative appeal before it has a distributed identity, then its userbase gets hollowed out by financial actors, and it crumbles under churn. But, if the network doesn't have speculative appeal, it can't go from 0 to 1
- Costs limit TAM: Because payments are the sybil, 99.9% of the world can't meaningfully participate