Free-to-play money
We know users want to store value in non-sovereign financial networks.
(BTC, DOGE, SHIB, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum Classic, Wif, Bonk, Notcoin)
The way most people view this is through a lens of financial nihlism, which says users are so hopeless that they view degenerate gambling as their only path to prosperity.
A more accurate view says controlling money is powerful. Whoever controls money gets to make money, which means they can inflate their own balance sheet; they can manipulate markets; they can borrow against reserves. Users don't want money to be ejected from a bloated, concealed org structure. They want it to come from networks that they created and they can participate in, because this gives them power.
The current constraint on non-sovereign financial networks is their use of payments for sybil resistance. Right now, token networks evolve only through dollar flows, where more dollars = more control.
This gives you two problems:
  • Cold start problem: If a network has speculative appeal before it has a distributed identity, then its userbase gets hollowed out by financial actors, and it crumbles under churn. But, if the network doesn't have speculative appeal, it can't go from 0 to 1
  • Costs limit TAM: Because payments are the sybil, 99.9% of the world can't meaningfully participate
'Payments as sybil' is why successful non-sovereign financial networks often begin hidden in plain sight, and the latest iteration is memecoins—a memecoin's dedicaton to its joke gives it a defense against financial capture—rich people think it's stupid.
With Worldcoin's help, we can fix this. Some additional Worldcoin thoughts here. Message me to chat.
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